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Hello Salida Tech customer…
Thank you so much for trusting your computing needs to Salida Tech, Inc.
I wanted to inform you that I will no longer be consulting through Salida Tech starting on September 1st, 2010, and will soon be leaving it as an owner. The reasons for this are numerous, somewhat personal, and beyond the scope of this letter. In addition, Duncan, our shop technician, is moving out of the area. His last day at Salida Tech is August 24th. The future of Salida Tech is uncertain at this point. (Hopefully, there will be further announcements soon.) Regardless, I will personally ensure complete continuity for our offsite-but-local backup customers, and our web hosting customers.
As for my future, I will be going back to software development where I have over 15+ years of experience and enjoy the creative process of software engineering. I may be available for limited on-site IT work, or software engineering work, but this too remains uncertain. I should know more in the coming weeks.
Starting and running this business was an amazing experience for me, and I have few regrets. Thank you so much for putting your trust in me, and in Salida Tech.
Take care,
Andrew Koransky
Salida Tech, Inc.
About Us
(719) 539-1759 – office
Howdy folks!
Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely spring weather. Salida Tech is celebrating the return of the warm weather by offering spring specials. Now through the beginning of May, you can get $10 off any of our shop services by mentioning this announcement/ad. Now is a perfect time to pull that dusty computer out and bring it in for some Salida Tech tuneup love. Or bring in multiple computers and get a 10% discount on your invoice.
We also have one of our locally built computer systems in stock and ready to go for $565. As always, we put the highest quality components in our systems and no junk-ware. They come with a one year warranty and local, friendly support. Plus, you get to experience Windows 7, and it just looks cool.
Lastly, don’t forget about all of our other services including business process and IT consulting. We’ve revamped our website navigation to make it easier for you to discover all the stuff we do to provide you with “contented computing.”
Don’t be shy now. Come see us Monday – Friday 9 – 5pm at 222 E Street. Just look for the bright green door. We hope you have a great spring!
The Salida Tech Team
While listening to music on MySpace, I came back to my computer a little while later to see misleading messages generated by myspace (or their advertisers) suggesting that I had viruses on my machine… This type of malware is known as scareware, and is a complete scam. On average, we remove 1-3 scareware “infections” a week from customer machines.
Read more about how to protect yourself here:

SALIDA, Colorado –Andrew Koransky and Jason LaPointe have announced the formation of their new corporation, Salida Tech Inc. Salida Tech, Inc. is a small privately owned consulting practice and computer repair center serving local users, companies, non profits, and governments, who need the skills of technology professionals, but may not need, or be able to afford, full time technology help. Andrew Koransky, co owner of Salida Tech says, “We recognize that our customers simplywant technology to work, and that well designed systems can aid many day to day activities. To service these needs, we offer complete management of our clients’ technology with cost-effective, timely, and appropriate solutions using a wide range of technologies.”
Prior to opening Salida Tech, Jason had been serving the community in a high tech capacity since 1997, initially working with Custom Business Solutions. With the formation of his own company, J.T.L. Computing in 2000, Jason expanded his technological role in the Arkansas Valley even further. Starting small and building a customer base one customer at a time, J.T.L. eventually became one of the preeminent technical consulting firms in the area. Jason considers his involvement with various state and municipal agencies one of the best experiences in his career. “The breadth, depth, and sheer scope of what it takes to effectively run a state and local government in regards to information technology services is mind boggling. The varied experiences I’ve gained doing this type of work has been extremely valuable to myself and my clients,” said Lapointe.
In February of 2009 in response to ever growing customer demand, J.T.L. added partner Andrew Koransky, and re-branded the company as Salida Tech, Inc. Mr. Koransky has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, from Washington University in St. Louis, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Previous to partnering with LaPointe, Koransky had been working in a contracted capacity with Chaffee County, and many others as a software engineer.
Located at 222 E Street in the heart of historical downtown, Salida Tech, Inc. is a Dell authorized reseller and also offers AVG’s full line of security products. Salida Tech also facilitates a program to re-purpose personal computers with not for profit entities in the Upper Arkansas Valley. If you would like to donate equipment to this worthy cause call Salida Tech at 539-1759 to see if it meets donation requirements. Finally, Salida Tech, would like to remind the public that for a nominal fee, computers, monitors, and other electronics, can be recycled at the E St. location, keeping toxic items out of our landfills. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can reach Salida Tech, Inc. at 719-539-1759. Salida Tech is located on the world-wide-web at salidatech.com.
Salida Tech, Inc. recommends AVG Security Products. We are now an AVG Authorized Reseller, meaning you can get the same low online pricing AVG offers through their website through our company. Let us know if we can help you secure your business machines with AVG’s fine product offerings.
NOTE: For home users, we recommend AVG Free. (For older machines, or as an alternative, we also recommend Avira.)

Things keep chugging along, at Salida speed. We have our logo, working on the sign, and recently, we were accepted as a Dell Registered Partner, allowing us to resell Dell computers and order computers on behalf of our customers.

We hope to gear up our office hours soon. Right now we are open Monday and Thursday 9am – 5pm, and other times by appointment. Feel free to drop by, check out the digs, and say hi to our first employee, Duncan Hill.